I find it interesting that as a tattoo, the phoenix has gravitated toward a more feminine association, as I find it a strong representation of both, as the Asian cultures have adopted.
But you do seem to find far more women embracing the phoenix than men.
As with any fire, there's the sense of purification coming from fire, as represented by going through difficult times that try you as fire, and transforms you into a new person if you can survive those purging times. That's the flame and fire side of it.With the Chinese, the phoenix was very important, with only the dragon holding a more important place in their culture. Only the Chinese Empress was allowed to wear the phoenix as a symbol, which represented the union of yin and yang, symbolizing virtue and grace.
The Meaning of the Phoenix Itself
For the phoenix itself, in the tattooing world, it is more associated with a representing a number of good qualities in a person, things like kindness, duty and being reliable, among others.
This seems to mean that those emerging from the fire and ashes end up with admirable qualities that represent being a new person.
Hey, I told you there was a lot of meaning attached to the phoenix tattoo. But let's face it, in the end, they just look good, and I would bet that's the reason, more than most others, people get them.
In the Asian countries that would be different, but in the West I believe that's the case.
Great Phoenix Tattoo on Woman's Back
Tattoo on man's shoulder
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